Reseller Web Hosting

Reseller Web HostingLet us start learning what a reseller web hosting is to understand what web hosting is all about. This will give you an advantage over others who start web hosting with limited knowledge. Success can be in the corner if you understand what you're getting into. Then you will need to learn what web hosting types are, of course, which includes what a reseller hosting is. What is web hosting? Web hosting is an Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to host their own websites by connecting to the host server. It's like a building administrator who sublets his apartment building with different individuals or companies.

What are the types of web hosting?

· A free web hosting service

· Shared Web Hosting Service

· Virtual Dedicated Server

· Dedicated hosting service

· Collocation hosting service

· Cluster accommodation

· Web Hosting Reseller

What are the available Web services?

· File Hosting

· Image Hosting

· Video hosting

· Blog Hosting

· One-click hosting

· Shopping Cart hosting

Now you know what web hosting is, what are the types of web hosting are and what services we have available. We can now turn to the question of our discussion. What is reseller web hosting? Reseller web hosting is a web hosting service that shares its disk space and bandwidth and resell web hosting. It is not necessarily the owner of the web hosting service, but it acquires a reseller web hosting service and resells spaces to individuals or organizations. Using the example above, the dealer is tenant unit and shares his unit to other companies and their bill for rent as well. This is of course illegal under the Code of rent, but in the web hosting, it is legal.

What are the benefits of reseller web hosting?

· You gain the resale of web hosting services. You order your price and web hosting company will not hand over your relationships with your customers.

· You can earn sales from your customers using the reseller web hosting you offer.

· You are supported by the technical support provided by the web hosting company. Then you can serve your customers using this technique. So you meet the requirement of customers, even if you have minimal technical understanding and support they need.

· You can also buy additional services from the web hosting company with reduced from 35% to 50% rates. You can resell it to your customers at your own discretion.

Of course, these benefits depend on the web hosting company you hire. It is therefore recommended before jumping into the reseller web hosting now, do you homework, which will ensure that you know what you're getting. It will also let you know that among the wide range of web hosting companies will benefit you and your customers
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