Hosting a website with Large Database Size

Hosting a website with Large Database Size

Often, business owners web make the wrong choice when it comes to signing up for the website hosting. A common misconception is that the hosting plan offers too few resources for the site. In other words, larger sites tend to have problems of resource allocation after some time. When this happens, the company will thehosting forced to close the entire site. And as we all know, downtime can be costly. You want to avoid downtime as much as possible.

To do this, you must understand what it means to run an active website with a large database. Usually, most Linux servers are capable of handling loads of small and medium sites. The databases are optimized to the point that they require little CPU resources. Unfortunately, on a shared server, the machine can accommodate hundreds or thousands of smallish sites. When sites are small, there is no problem. But when sites begin to grow, resource problems begin to arrise. Your site is down for no good reason, only to come online after a while. This can be caused by user sessions that are hogging resources. When the session expired (ie timed out), the resources are released and the site returns Internet. For end users, this can be a frustrating experience because the internet site appears intermittently. This can affect the reputation of the website and users can simply leave because of the bad user experience.

So what can you do about these resource issues?

A common solution is to update your site for at least one hosting virtual private server level. A VPS plan offers far more resources compared to a shared hosting plan. You are the root administrator account, which means that advanced features will be available. You can even install custom modules to optimize the site for faster performance

On a VPS server, a specific amount of resources will be assigned to your website. This means that your account can handle more requests database and you are less likely to encounter errors database. errors database can give you many sleepless nights. They can fail and data can go missing. You end up spending a lot of time trying to back up and restore databases. And when the bases are large, they are even more cumbersome. To avoid these problems, virtual private servers and dedicated servers will be more appropriate.

You can be sure that your great website will not bring down the entire server. The hosting company will have no reason to suspend your account. In addition, since your site is not on a shared server, there will be no risk to other sites bringing down your website
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