Web Hosting Strategy for Managing Multiple Websites

Web Hosting Strategy for Managing Multiple Websites

If you are making a comfortable living from the Internet and the Web Hosting  or have a plan to achieve this goal, it is likely that you have more than ten sites. The websites are your virtual offices. You want to your sites to be up and running 365 days, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Managing multiple websites is a daunting task if you use a website is a hobby.

Hosting strategy proposed for Managing Multiple Websites

The hosting strategy we propose is to host your multiple major websites with 3-4 different hosting companies, and open a reseller account with another hosting company for 1) small and new sites, 2) Web development and 3) backup. Hosting with too many hosting companies will significantly increase the time and difficulty of managing sites, and using a single hosting company is not a smart choice either.

Justification of the accommodation strategy

Price - The price of web hosting is not a problem to run a single website if it costs $ 5 or $ 25 per month. The difference is only a few hundred dollars or less per year. It's always nice and smart to get the most out of every dollar of doing business. At least a few hundred dollars difference would not make or break a business. If you have 10 or even 50 sites, the cost of Web hosting alone define the success or failure of your online adventure. To reduce the cost of accommodation, the option is to use a reseller hosting account to host as many small or new sites as you want for about $ 15 per month. You host one or 2 major websites with one hosting company. Shared hosting account costs under $ 10 per month, and dedicated server will cost $ 50 or more per month.

Uptime - If your site manufacturer of bread and butter for a few hours, you will lose hundreds of dollars more. While most hosting companies promise 99.9%, it is not uncommon to see a website for a few hours. A site could be down for half a day or more if a hosting company is doing a major update. The hosting company can make the update a weekend or a holiday important, but it's still much focused on family and travel sites generate their revenues. If you could afford the loss of income, many websites owners can not bear the psychological loss and pressure. Hosting your sites with some hosting companies will reduce the risk of downtime.

Application Development - For simple web application, webmasters will do development on the same production hosting site. If your e-commerce applications are complex, doing development on the production site can lower the online site, especially if you are in the process of changing configuration files or install customized applications. The option is installed on your dealer website development and testing account, and move applications to account for the production on another server after completion.

Backup - If you're not happy with a hosting company, a hosting company is out of business, or the servers will be down for a day or two, you can easily temporarily or permanently switch from one company hosting other since you're familiar with the site management tools already. If you have a backup or secondary running on another server, you can simply switch is the transfer of the domain, which will not take more than a minute.

Shop before you buy

There are too many hosting plans to choose from a large number of web hosting companies - ASP, budget accommodation, dedicated servers, ecommerce hosting, FrontPage Web Hosting, hosting with templates, web hosting management PHP Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Shared Hosting, Unix / Linux Hosting, Virtual Private Servers, Windows Hosting and Co-location hosting. Compare the cost, hosting features, tracking records of hosting companies before making your commitment. Good luck with your online adventures.

Bruce Zhang has over 10 years of experience in web development, database design and management of web servers. He currently manages dozens of websites using ASP Web Hosting, Budget Hosting, Dedicated Servers, eCommerce Hosting, FrontPage Web Hosting, hosting with templates, Managed Web Hosting, PHP Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Shared Hosting , Unix / Linux Hosting for web hosting needs
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